The Importance of Developing Teachers in the Light of Quran and Sunnah

In the hands of a teacher lies the future of a child, a generation, and ultimately, a society. The role of teachers is sacred in Islam, as they are entrusted not only with imparting knowledge but also with shaping the character and values of the next generation. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself was the greatest teacher, and through his life, we find countless lessons about the profound responsibility and immense reward in teaching. At ILM Foundation (TIF), we believe that developing teachers, in the light of Quran and Sunnah, is crucial for the spiritual, intellectual, and moral growth of society.

Teachers: The Torchbearers of Knowledge and Character

Teaching is more than a profession—it’s a calling, a mission to inspire and mold hearts. In Islam, teachers hold a unique place of honor. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Allah, His angels, the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, even the ant in its hole and the fish in the sea, pray for those who teach people good” (Tirmidhi). This highlights the spiritual significance of the role teachers play. They are torchbearers of knowledge, but more than that, they are shapers of character, entrusted with instilling the values of compassion, integrity, and justice.

The Ripple Effect: Why Investing in Teachers is Investing in the Future

The influence of a teacher doesn’t stop in the classroom. It ripples outward, shaping families, communities, and nations. When teachers are equipped with both knowledge and the moral compass of Islam, they pass these values to their students, who in turn pass them on to their families and communities. This creates a cycle of goodness that transforms society, one heart at a time.

At TIF, we believe that by investing in teachers, we are investing in the future of our society. By focusing on their development through the lens of Quran and Sunnah, we ensure that they carry forth the true spirit of Islamic education—teaching not just to inform, but to transform.

Teachers as Builders of Nations

In the light of Quran and Sunnah, teachers hold a sacred and unparalleled responsibility. They are the builders of nations, the architects of future generations. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) dedicated his life to teaching, not just through words, but through his character, his mercy, and his wisdom. At ILM Foundation, we are committed to developing teachers who walk in his footsteps, who see their role not just as educators, but as nurturers of souls.

By nurturing our teachers with the values of Islam, we are ensuring that they, in turn, nurture the hearts and minds of the next generation. Together, we can build a society that thrives on knowledge, compassion, and justice—a society that embodies the very essence of the Quran and Sunnah.

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ILM and Character Building: A Journey Through Quran and Sunnah

In a world that’s constantly changing, where distractions and challenges seem endless, there is something timeless that remains essential—our character. At ILM Foundation (TIF), we believe that true education goes beyond textbooks; it’s about shaping hearts and souls, nurturing individuals who live by the values of the Quran and Sunnah. We aim to raise a generation who not only excels in knowledge but shines with the light of strong moral character.

What Does Character Building Mean?

Character building is more than a concept; it’s the very essence of who we are as human beings. It’s about fostering qualities like honesty, integrity, empathy, and resilience—the values that guide us in making choices that are not just right but righteous. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “The best among you are those who have the best manners and character” (Bukhari). This hadith reflects the heart of our mission: to build individuals whose character mirrors their faith, to build leaders who walk with kindness, wisdom, and strength.

The Heart of Character Building: A Need for Our Society

1. Ethical Leadership Rooted in Islam

Imagine a society where every leader, every decision-maker, acted with integrity, guided by the teachings of Islam. The Quran commands us: “Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people, judge with justice” (Quran 4:58). TIF is nurturing the future ethical leaders who will stand firm on justice, compassion, and trustworthiness—because leadership isn’t just about power, it’s about responsibility.

2. Creating Trust and Cooperation

Think about the power of trust. It’s the glue that holds relationships, communities, and societies together. When we act truthfully and honor our commitments, we create bonds that uplift everyone. At TIF, we are building this trust from the ground up. The trust that comes from honesty and reliability, qualities deeply rooted in our faith, leads to stronger, more united communities.

3. Fostering Empathy and Inclusiveness

There’s a beautiful teaching in Islam: “And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a mercy to the worlds” (Quran 21:107).

Mercy | Empathy | Understanding. In a world often marked by division, these values are our lifeline. At TIF, we instill in every student the importance of looking beyond oneself, of seeing and feeling the pain and joy of others, and of embracing the diversity that Allah has created with love and respect.

Conclusion: Building a Better Future with Love and Integrity

At ILM Foundation, we are not just teaching facts and figures; we are building the future. A future where knowledge is paired with humility, where success is defined by service, and where individuals live by the Quranic values of justice, honesty, and compassion. By grounding education in the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, we aim to shape individuals who are not only equipped to succeed but to lead with love, wisdom, and integrity.

Character building is not a side goal—it is the foundation. It is what strengthens societies, unites hearts, and brings us closer to Allah. A society built on trust, empathy, and shared responsibility is not just a dream—it is the future we are nurturing every day at ILM Foundation. Together, through education and the timeless teachings of Islam, we are building a better world.

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The Challenges Facing Pakistan Today

The Challenges Facing Pakistan Today

Pakistan, our beloved nation, stands at a crossroads, grappling with a host of challenges that threaten the fabric of our society. From political instability and economic struggles to social injustices and moral decay, the problems we face today are complex and deeply rooted. Corruption, lack of education, poverty, and a growing sense of hopelessness are just a few of the issues that plague our land, leaving many to wonder where the solution lies.

The Moral Crisis at the Heart of Our Problems

At the core of these challenges is a moral and spiritual crisis. As we drift further from the values that once united and guided us, the repercussions are felt across every aspect of our lives. The erosion of ethical principles, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the increasing disregard for justice and compassion are symptoms of a deeper issue—a disconnection from the teachings that form the foundation of our faith.

The Power of Quranic Education as the Solution

In times of such turmoil, we must look back to the source of our strength—the Quran. The teachings of the Quran offer a comprehensive guide to leading a life of integrity, compassion, and purpose. Quranic education is not just about learning verses; it is about internalizing the principles that can transform individuals and, by extension, the society they inhabit.

Imparting Quranic education can instill a sense of accountability, empathy, and a commitment to justice in our people. It can help bridge the gap between different social classes, foster unity, and promote a culture of honesty and fairness. By returning to the core values of Islam, we can address the root causes of the problems plaguing Pakistan and set the nation on a path of renewal.

The ILM Foundation: A Beacon of Hope

This is where The ILM Foundation (TIF) steps in as a beacon of hope. TIF is dedicated to spreading Quranic education across Pakistan, aiming to revive the spiritual and moral fabric of our society. Through our Quranic Curriculum Training, Teachers Training Programs, and state-of-the-art Learning Management System, we are not just teaching; we are nurturing hearts and minds to lead with integrity and compassion.

TIF’s initiatives go beyond traditional education. We focus on life-changing events that encourage individuals to live according to the principles of Islam, fostering a community that upholds the values of justice, mercy, and honesty. By empowering educators and inspiring students, TIF is actively working to address the moral crisis at the heart of our nation’s challenges.



A Call to Action: Join the Cause and Support TIF

The problems Pakistan faces today may seem overwhelming, but the solution is within our reach. By embracing Quranic education and allowing it to guide our actions, we can overcome the obstacles that stand in our way. We must remember that the teachings of the Quran are not just for personal piety—they are the blueprint for building a just, prosperous, and united society.

Now, more than ever, we need your support. The work of The ILM Foundation is crucial in restoring the moral compass of our nation, and we cannot do it alone. We invite you to join us in this mission. Whether through volunteering, spreading the word, or providing financial support, every contribution makes a difference.

Together, we can create a future where every Pakistani is empowered by the teachings of the Quran, where justice and compassion prevail, and where our nation thrives as a beacon of Islamic values. Let us stand together for the betterment of Pakistan—join The ILM Foundation today and be a part of this transformative journey.

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Remembering the True Essence of Pakistan’s Independence

As we reflect on the significance of Pakistan’s independence, it is vital to remember the profound reason that led to the creation of our beloved nation. On August 14, 1947, Pakistan emerged not just as a geographical entity, but as the fulfillment of a dream deeply rooted in the values and principles of Islam. This was not merely a political maneuver—it was a spiritual quest, a collective yearning of millions who sought a homeland where they could freely live out their faith.

The Vision behind the Struggle

The struggle for independence was fueled by a vision—one that recognized the distinct identity of Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. Under British colonial rule, our forefathers faced the reality of being a marginalized community, their voices often drowned out in a predominantly Hindu society. The need for a separate nation was not just about borders and governance; it was about securing a space where the teachings of Islam could be the foundation of our society, where our religious and cultural practices could thrive without fear of suppression.

Islam: The Heartbeat of the Independence Movement

Islam was the heartbeat of the independence movement. It united Muslims across diverse regions, cultures, and languages. Allama Iqbal’s poetic vision of a Muslim state was not just about political sovereignty; it was about creating a land where the spiritual and moral teachings of Islam could guide every aspect of life. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, with unwavering determination, led this cause, reminding us time and again that Pakistan was meant to be a beacon of Islamic values.

The ILM Foundation: Carrying the Legacy Forward

Today, as we enjoy the freedom our ancestors fought for, we must remind ourselves of the true essence of Pakistan’s creation. Our independence is not just a historical event—it is a sacred trust. We owe it to those who sacrificed so much to ensure that the ideals of Islam remain at the core of our national identity.

This is where The ILM Foundation (TIF) steps in, continuing the legacy of those who envisioned Pakistan as a land where Islam could flourish. TIF is dedicated to spreading the teachings of the Quran and nurturing a deeper understanding of Islam across Pakistan. Through our Quranic Curriculum Training, Teachers Training Programs, and state-of-the-art Learning Management System, we are not just imparting knowledge—we are fulfilling the very purpose for which Pakistan was created.

Aligning with the Cause: Building a Brighter Future

TIF’s life-changing events and educational initiatives are deeply aligned with the cause that drove our independence. By empowering educators, inspiring students, and providing access to Islamic education, TIF is ensuring that the values which were the bedrock of our nation’s creation continue to thrive in the hearts and minds of our people.

Let us honor the legacy of our forefathers by staying true to the vision that gave birth to our nation. Together with TIF, we can ensure that Pakistan remains a land where Islam is not just practiced but cherished, guiding us toward a brighter, more united future.

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One Ummah: A Call to Unity in the Modern World

Imagine a world where the powerful message of “La ilaha illallah, Muhammadur Rasulullah” (There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad SAWS is His Messenger) resonates within every heart of the Muslim Ummah.

This isn’t just a utopian dream of any global community but within it lies the true essence of Islamic Unity – a concept enmeshed deeply into the fabric of our faith. The Holy Quran consistently reminds us of this core principle: “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided.” [Surah Al-Imran (3:103)]

The powerful verse doesn’t present a mere suggestion to the believer but an active call-to-action. The “Rope of Allah” here symbolizes the teachings and guidance that He SWT has bestowed upon the Muslim Ummah. Hence, by clinging to it, Muslims can strengthen their faith and lay foundation to a more cohesive community.

This has further been emphasized by the Holy Prophet SAWS. “The believers, in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy, are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.” [Hadith, as narrated by Sahih Bukhari]

Just like the physical body reacts instinctively to pain in one area, the Muslim Ummah too responds similarly to challenges faced by any of its members.

A Legacy of Unity Amid the Scars of Division

The early Muslim community under the Prophet’s (PBUH) leadership exemplified Islamic Unity at its finest.

However, history reveals a more complex picture.

Political ambitions, ideological differences, followed by the tragic Sunni-Shia split, only fragmented the Ummah. These divisions, combined with the impact of colonialism, have left deep scars on the Muslim world.

Yet, unity never truly died.

Yet Islamic scholars and purists have remained optimistic, as captured eloquently by the renowned scholar, Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 1328 CE): “Verily, the believers are like brothers, both in good times and bad.”

This sentiment only shows the true essence and spirit of brotherhood, which transcends borders and circumstances.

The Blessings of Unity Signaling to a Brighter Future

Despite the trajectory that has flowed, a united Muslim Ummah isn’t a dream of the past. It’s a powerful force for good that persists even today!

Let’s explore the blessings that await us:

  • The Strength of Spirituality

Unity fosters a deeper connection to Allah and strengthens our faith through shared worship and devotion

  • Wide-Ranging Economic Prosperity

Collaboration fosters sharing resources, several technological advancements, and wide range of economic growth across Muslim-majority nations

  • A Social Uplift

By working together, we can tackle social challenges like poverty, illiteracy, and healthcare disparities within our communities

  • A Global Voice

A unified voice on the world stage allows us to advocate more effectively for Muslim rights and humanitarian causes

  • Countering Islam-Related Hate Crimes

A united and positive image of Islam helps combat misconceptions and promotes interfaith dialogue

Building Bridges, Not Walls Despite Challenges on the Path

That said, the road to unity isn’t smooth for believers continue to face several obstacles:

  • Sectarian Tensions

Historical grievances and contemporary political issues fuel divisions between various Islamic sects

  • The Ills of Nationalism Versus Unified Ummah

Prioritizing national identity over our shared Islamic identity can create conflict among Muslim states

  • Tremendous Leadership Gap

The absence of strong, unifying leadership within the Muslim world hinders progress

  • External Exploitation

Non-Muslim powers continue to manipulate and exploit existing divisions to further their own agendas

  • Extremism

Ideologies that promote violence and division pose a grave threat to unity

Overcoming Obstacles: A Collective Responsibility

So, how do we bridge some of these divisions and achieve harmony and unity? Well, it requires a multi-pronged approach:

  • Positive Interfaith Dialogue

Encouraging open dialogue and promoting understanding between different Islamic schools of thought is crucial

  • Education Reform

Educational curriculum shifts that emphasize the commonalities of our faith over minor differences foster unity in younger generations

  • Stronger Political Leadership

Muslim leaders must prioritize the collective interests of the Ummah over narrow national agendas

  • Initiatives on the Grassroots’ Level

Community organizations and social movements play a vital role in promoting cooperation and social engagement

The Future We Deserve: A Beacon of Hope

Islamic unity is not a relic of the past; it’s the key to a brighter future. By harnessing the power of our faith, fostering understanding, and working together, we can build a more unified, prosperous, and influential Ummah.

This united Ummah will stand tall as a beacon of hope, compassion, and solidarity, fulfilling the Quran’s promise to be “a witness unto mankind” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:143).

Let us remember the words of the great Islamic scholar Imam Al-Ghazali (d. 1111 CE): “Unity is mercy, and division is torment.”


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The Unity of Muslim Ummah: A Reflection on Hajj

In a world often divided by boundaries and differences, the annual pilgrimage of Hajj stands as a powerful testament to the unity and solidarity within the Muslim Ummah. Every year, millions of Muslims from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and nationalities converge in the holy city of Mecca to fulfill one of the Five Pillars of Islam. This sacred journey not only strengthens their faith but also reinforces a profound sense of unity among the believers.

Hajj, by its very nature, is an embodiment of equality and brotherhood. As pilgrims wear the simple white garments of Ihram, distinctions of wealth, status, and nationality fade away. This uniform attire signifies the equality of all Muslims before Allah, reminding us that in His eyes, we are all the same. The sheer scale of this gathering is awe-inspiring—imagine standing shoulder to shoulder with over two million fellow Muslims, all chanting in unison, “Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk” (Here I am, O Allah, here I am).

Have You Checked Out?

Unveiling Pakistan’s First Quranic Curriculum by The ILM Foundation! Endorsed by all schools of Islamic thought.

Want to learn more about this? Visit our website!”

One of the most profound aspects of Hajj is the opportunity it provides for personal and communal reflection. Pilgrims engage in various rites, such as Tawaf (circumambulating the Kaaba) and Sa’i (walking between the hills of Safa and Marwah), each with deep spiritual significance. These acts are not just rituals; they are powerful symbols of the trials faced by Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his family, serving as a reminder of the resilience and faith required to overcome life’s challenges.

Moreover, the Day of Arafah, the pinnacle of Hajj, is a day of supplication and repentance. Pilgrims gather on the plain of Arafat, standing in earnest prayer, seeking forgiveness and renewal. This collective act of devotion highlights the spiritual bond that unites Muslims worldwide. Even those who are not physically present participate through fasting and prayers, feeling a part of the larger Ummah.

Hajj also fosters a sense of global Muslim identity. It is a rare occasion where individuals from every corner of the globe come together, breaking down barriers of language, race, and ethnicity. Conversations among pilgrims often reveal shared experiences, struggles, and hopes, fostering mutual respect and understanding. This unity in diversity is a powerful reminder that despite our differences, we are one Ummah, bound by our faith and commitment to Allah.

Have You Checked Out?

Team TIF Masjid Visit (with activity pictures)

The TIF Team paid a visit to Masjid Jamia Rehmania to present the updated Quran Curriculum and witness the unity of faith and purpose from people of diverse sectarian backgrounds. Truly inspiring!

In a time when the world seems increasingly fragmented, the unity demonstrated during Hajj offers a beacon of hope. It reminds us that true strength lies in our ability to come together, to support and uplift one another. As the pilgrims return to their homes, they carry with them not just memories of a profound spiritual journey, but also a renewed sense of belonging and solidarity with Muslims around the world.

In essence, Hajj is more than just a religious obligation; it is a celebration of the unity and resilience of the Muslim Ummah. It is a reminder that in our collective journey towards spiritual fulfillment, we are never alone. We are part of a global family, united in faith and purpose, striving together towards the same divine goal.

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Standing United Via Prayer: How This One Pillar of Islam Helps in Fostering Unity Within the Muslim Ummah

The unity among Muslims is profoundly ingrained through their unwavering faith in Allah SWT. The faith of the Ummah finds its expression through one of the crucial pillar of Islam – Prayer or Salah. In Islam, it successfully transcends the lines of mere ritual or even personal devotion. So, how does prayer serve as a catalyst for unity within the Muslim Ummah? Read on to find out.

i) Fostering A Healthy Sense of Togetherness

The concept of congregational Salah is an excellent way to demonstrate the concept of Islamic unity. So how is it central to fostering unity? Simply picture this: Muslims from all backgrounds, come together at the masjid to stand in unison with their voices resonating along the recitation of the Holy Quran. It is a not just any religious act, synchronized to the tee. The Salah gives the Ummah a chance to blur their diverse differences while promoting brotherhood and more importantly, equality amongst all Muslims. The Holy Prophet (SAWS) highlighted the significance of congregational prayer:

“Prayer in congregation is better than praying alone by twenty-seven degrees.”

(Sahih al-Bukhari)

ii) Eradicating Worldly Divisions

The masjid, where congregational prayers are held five times a day is a sanctuary for the believer. For it is devoid of social hierarchies or irrelevant worldly concerns. The masjid is one space, where all individuals know that they stand on equal footing – not before anyone else but only before Allah (SWT), with their focus, only on Salah. It is not just an act of worship but rather shared devotion that helps to cultivate healthy community spirit. Thus, reminding Muslims of collective identity beyond individual differences.

Have You Checked Out?

Unveiling Pakistan’s First Quranic Curriculum by The ILM Foundation! Endorsed by all schools of Islamic thought, it was showcased at Jamia Masjid Rahmania.

Want to learn more about this? Visit our website!”

iii) Ensuring Unity Through Disciplined Ritual

The main essence of Salah lies in Islamic unity and to promote it, Allah (SWT) has designed a structure that must strictly be adhered to. All Muslims are to observe a set structure, recite a specific structure of words for every Salah, and perform identical movements – all at the same time and with the same pace. The idea behind this is to foster collective discipline, which further helps to bring a sense of order and coherence in the life of the Muslim. And an excellent way to mirror Islamic teachings. Picture this: millions of Muslims across the globe, partaking in a religious ceremony at designated times within a day, further proving a testament to the binding power of Islamic faith and unity!

iv) Transcending Beyond the Confines of the Community Masjid

The solidarity cultivated through the act of Salah, in fact, transcends beyond the walls of the masjid. Core values such as discipline, humility, and community spirit become interwoven within the social interactions among Muslims at the masjid and even within the Muslim society, at large. Hence, it can safely be said that Salah is a constant prompt for all believers to treat their fellow brothers and sisters – with immense dignity, goodwill, and empathy, even amidst differing perspectives.

Have You Checked Out?

Team TIF Imam Bargah Ali Raza Visit

The TIF Team paid a visit to Imam Bargah Ali Raza to present the updated Quran Curriculum and witness the unity of faith and purpose from people of diverse sectarian backgrounds. Truly inspiring!




v) Encountering & Addressing Challenges

Despite the unifying quality of Salah five times a day, the Muslim Ummah still does encounter regular obstacles. Like that of sectarianism or even regional conflicts. This is why, the basic message of the Salah must regularly be emphasized to the believers – Ultimate Submission to Allah (SWT) and service to the Ummah and humanity. For it is the only way that these divisions can be dissolved.

Wrapping It Up,

As we come to the end of our blog post, we can say that the Islamic Salah is not only an individual obligation but surely the bedrock of Islamic unity! It is only via the concept of collective prayer in congregation that Muslims can truly reaffirm their faith and dedication to building a cohesive Ummah for the next generation and so on.

Let our Salah join the Muslim Ummah together, as it bridges divides, while fostering understanding, and striving towards a brighter future for all!


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Forging Connections: The Vital Importance of Islamic Unity For the Muslim Ummah

The global Muslim community or Ummah, is a fundamental concept in Islam. Despite the presence of diversity in various spheres of ethnicity, culture, or language, Muslims around the world stand united, thanks to their faith in Allah, followed by their dedication to the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS).

Unity within the Ummah isn’t merely an aspirational idea – it is a necessity: an unquestionable call to action that echoes throughout Islamic scripture and history.

The Quran emphasizes on unity in various verses, reminding believers to always “hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided” (Quran 3:103). The emphasis here is on the strength found in collective action. While highlighting the fact that fragmentation does indeed weaken the Ummah and expose Muslims to countless external threats.

The Holy Prophet (SAWS) epitomized unity during his lifetime. Thus, ensuring that the different fractious Arabian tribes, became united under the Islamic banner. This was to foster and encourage the growth of a society that was much grounded in mutual respect and collaboration.

Quoting the renowned Hadith, “The believers, in their mutual love, compassion, and mercy, are like one body. If one part of the body suffers, the whole body feels pain and discomfort” (Sahih al-Bukhari) only stresses on the interconnectedness of the Ummah.

So, what does achieving unity mean for Muslims in today’s day and age?

  1. Remove Sectarian Divisions:

Historical and theological variances have led to the emergence of different sects within Islam. This has only fostered sectarian animosity and hindered unity amongst Muslims.

  1. Minimize Political Conflicts:

Political turmoil and strife within Muslim-majority regions, often take the face of sectarian or ethnic dimensions, further aggravating divisions within the Ummah.

  • Misinformation & Stereotyping Muslims:

The negative media portrayal has only led to a lack of understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims. And even amongst Muslims themselves. This has only perpetuated an “us vs. them” mentalities, obstructing unity.

Despite these challenges, bridging divides and cultivating a more unified Ummah is achievable through:

  1. Emphasizing Common Ground:

Muslims share core beliefs such as Tawheed (Oneness of Allah (SWT), compassion, justice, and aiding the less fortunate. Prioritizing these shared principles fosters unity.

  1. Engaging in Interfaith Dialogue:

Fostering connections with individuals of other faiths promotes understanding and collaboration, dispelling stereotypes and misconceptions.

  • Celebrating Diversity:

Respecting and cherishing the diverse cultures and traditions within the Ummah strengthens communal bonds and fosters inclusivity.

  1. Harnessing Technology:

Utilizing social media and online platforms facilitates connections between Muslims globally, promoting understanding and cooperation.

  1. Practicing Empathy & Compassion:

Actively empathizing with the struggles of fellow Muslims worldwide, supporting humanitarian efforts, and advocating for justice fosters unity.

Unity within the Ummah does not necessitate uniformity. While Muslims may hold diverse interpretations of religious texts, cultural practices, and political views, there exists ample room for a shared sense of identity and purpose.

By collaboratively addressing common challenges, fostering peace and comprehension, the Ummah can pave the way for a brighter future.

Let us heed the Quran’s injunction: “Verily, the believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers and fear Allah that you may receive mercy” (Quran 49:10). May we, as a global community, strive towards the ideal of brotherhood and cultivate a more unified Ummah.

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Meeting with Waqar Younus Sahib

Hafiz Shahnawaz Awan Sahib (Deputy Head-QPS) met with Waqar Younus Sahib (President – Blind Resource Foundation Pakistan) regarding progress on Mutalae Qur’an-e-Hakeem (MQH) Part-1 work in braille on 9th December’2022. Alhamdulillah! The translation of MQH Part-1 has been completed and is now available for visually impaired Students.

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