Fri 14 2025, رمضان

KPK Govt. Schools-Special Message

Special message from Shujauddin Sheikh Sahib (Programs Director-The ILM Foundation) for principals & teachers of KPK Govt. Schools. It can be viewed at the following URLs:

Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Visit to Bahawalpur & Multan

Hafiz Shahnawaz (Senior Academic Associate), Muhammad Jawwad (Academic Associate) & Ejaz-ul-Haq Sheikh (TIF Volunteer) visited 25 schools in Bahawalpur & Multan for M&E where Mutalae Quran-e-Hakeem is being taught and 8 meetings were held during 24th Nov -2nd Dec 2017. Some visits to schools can be viewed at the following URLs:

Programs Director Live on Facebook

Shujauddin Sheikh Sahib (Programs Director-TIF) was live on Facebook on 25th Oct & 22nd Nov 2017 for describing the features of Textbook and Teachers’ Guide of Mutalae Quran-e-Hakeem. These live broadcasts can be viewed at following URLs: (Textbook) (Teachers’ Guide)

Quran Project Statistics 2016-17

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Statistics of Quran Project 2016-17 can be viewed at following URLs: Facebook Flickr[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]